Below is a list of my short-authored and LVK collaboration publications. For a complete list of publications, please visit INSPIRE.

Short author preprints

  1. Surrogate modeling of gravitational waves microlensed by spherically symmetric potentials
    U. Deka, G. Prabhu, M. A. Shaikh, S. J. Kapadia, V. Varma & S. E. Field
    (2025), arXiv:2501.02974

Short author peer reviewed

  1. Probing the charge of compact objects with gravitational microlensing of gravitational waves
    U. Deka, S. Chakraborty, S. J. Kapadia, M. A. Shaikh & P. Ajith
    Phys. Rev. D, 111, 064028, (2025), arXiv:2401.06553
  2. A study of the inspiral-merger-ringdown consistency test with gravitational-wave signals from compact binaries in eccentric orbits
    M. A. Shaikh, S. A. Bhat & S. J. Kapadia
    Phys. Rev. D, 110, 024030, (2024), arXiv:2402.15110
  3. Defining eccentricity for gravitational wave astronomy
    M. A. Shaikh, V. Varma, H. P. Pfeiffer, A. Ramos-Buades & M. van de Meent
    Phys. Rev. D, 108, 104007, (2023), arXiv:2302.11257
  4. Improved early-warning estimates of luminosity distance and orbital inclination of compact binary mergers using higher modes of gravitational radiation
    M. K. Singh, D. Divyajyoti, S. J. Kapadia, M. A. Shaikh & P. Ajith
    Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 513, 3798-3809, (2022), arXiv:2202.05802
  5. Carter-Penrose diagrams for emergent spacetime in axisymmetrically accreting black hole systems
    S. Maity, M. A. Shaikh, P. Tarafdar & T. K. Das
    Phys. Rev. D, 106, 044062, (2022), arXiv:2106.07598
  6. Deep Learning with Quantized Neural Networks for Gravitational-wave Forecasting of Eccentric Compact Binary Coalescence
    W. Wei, E. A. Huerta, M. Yun, N. Loutrel, M. A. Shaikh, P. Kumar, R. Haas & V. Kindratenko
    Astrophys. J., 919, 82, (2021), arXiv:2012.03963
  7. Improved early warning of compact binary mergers using higher modes of gravitational radiation: A population study
    M. K. Singh, S. J. Kapadia, M. A. Shaikh, D. Chatterjee & P. Ajith
    Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 502, 1612-1622, (2021), arXiv:2010.12407
  8. Of Harbingers and Higher Modes: Improved gravitational-wave early-warning of compact binary mergers
    S. J. Kapadia, M. K. Singh, M. A. Shaikh, D. Chatterjee & P. Ajith
    Astrophys. J. Lett., 898, L39, (2020), arXiv:2005.08830
  9. Effective sound speed in relativistic accretion discs around Schwarzschild black holes
    M. A. Shaikh, S. Maity, S. Nag & T. K. Das
    New Astron., 69, 48-57, (2019), arXiv:1806.04084
  10. Linear perturbations of low angular momentum accretion flow in the Kerr metric and the corresponding emergent gravity phenomena
    M. A. Shaikh & T. K. Das
    Phys. Rev. D, 98, 123022, (2018), arXiv:1803.09896
  11. Relativistic sonic geometry for isothermal accretion in the Kerr metric
    M. A. Shaikh
    Class. Quant. Grav., 35, 055002, (2018), arXiv:1705.04918
  12. Acoustic geometry obtained through the perturbation of the Bernoulli's constant
    S. Datta, M. A. Shaikh & T. K. Das
    New Astron., 63, 65-74, (2018), arXiv:1612.07954
  13. Relativistic sonic geometry for isothermal accretion in the Schwarzschild metric
    M. A. Shaikh, I. Firdousi & T. K. Das
    Class. Quant. Grav., 34, 155008, (2017), arXiv:1612.07963

LVK peer reviewed

  1. Constraints on the Cosmic Expansion History from GWTC–3
    Abbott, R.others,
    Astrophys. J., 949, 76, (2023), arXiv:2111.03604
  2. Open Data from the Third Observing Run of LIGO, Virgo, KAGRA, and GEO
    Abbott, R.others,
    Astrophys. J. Suppl., 267, 29, (2023), arXiv:2302.03676
  3. Model-based Cross-correlation Search for Gravitational Waves from the Low-mass X-Ray Binary Scorpius X-1 in LIGO O3 Data
    Abbott, R.others,
    Astrophys. J. Lett., 941, L30, (2022), arXiv:2209.02863
  4. Search for continuous gravitational wave emission from the Milky~Way center in O3 LIGO-Virgo data
    Abbott, R.others,
    Phys. Rev. D, 106, 042003, (2022), arXiv:2204.04523
  5. First joint observation by the underground gravitational-wave detector KAGRA with GEO 600
    Abbott, R.others,
    PTEP, 2022, 063F01, (2022), arXiv:2203.01270
  6. Search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 with a hidden Markov model in O3 LIGO data
    Abbott, R.others,
    Phys. Rev. D, 106, 062002, (2022), arXiv:2201.10104
  7. All-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars using Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo O3 data
    Abbott, R.others,
    Phys. Rev. D, 106, 102008, (2022), arXiv:2201.00697
  8. All-sky search for gravitational wave emission from scalar boson clouds around spinning black holes in LIGO O3 data
    Abbott, R.others,
    Phys. Rev. D, 105, 102001, (2022), arXiv:2111.15507
  9. Searches for Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars at Two Harmonics in the Second and Third LIGO-Virgo Observing Runs
    Abbott, R.others,
    Astrophys. J., 935, 1, (2022), arXiv:2111.13106